How To Revive A Dead ATV Battery | Hunt or Shred

Avoid the expense of a new battery and learn how to revive your dead ATV battery with our easy-to-follow instructions.

To revive a dead ATV battery, try various methods, such as jumpstarting it with another ATV or a car, using a battery charger, or desulfating it with Epsom Salt. These methods are relatively easy to follow and can save you from having to buy a new battery altogether.

As an expert in the field of automotive maintenance and repair, I’ve extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to reviving dead ATV batteries. With my many years of experience, I’ve seen every type of dead battery situation and know the most effective ways to bring batteries back to life. As such, I’ll provide a detailed guide with the correct steps to revive a dead ATV battery.

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Understanding the Cause of the Dead ATV Battery

So you've just tried to start your ATV, only to find the battery dead. Frustrating, right? But before you can revive your ATV battery, it's essential to understand what caused it to die in the first place.

There are many reasons why your battery might have died, from leaving the lights on for too long to simply being old and worn out. By figuring out what caused the issue, you can prevent it from happening again.

Let’s explore the common causes of dead ATV batteries together.


Like all batteries, ATV batteries have a lifespan. Over time, the battery's capacity decreases, making it less effective at holding a charge. If your battery is old and worn out, it might be time to replace it.

Lack of maintenance

Regular battery maintenance is crucial to keep it working effectively. Neglecting to check the fluid levels or cleaning the terminals can lead to corrosion and other issues that can cause the battery to die.

Extreme temperatures

Usually, extreme hot or cold temperatures cause damage to the battery, leading to reduced capacity or even a dead battery. It's essential to store your ATV in a climate-controlled area to prevent these issues.

Faulty charging system

If your charging system is not functioning correctly, your ATV battery won't be able to hold a charge. This can lead to a dead battery, so it's essential to regularly inspect and maintain your charging system to ensure it's working correctly.

Symptoms of a Dead ATV Battery

When an ATV battery is dead, several symptoms may indicate a problem. Here are some of the most common symptoms of a dead ATV battery.

The ATV Won't Start

This is one of the most obvious signs of a dead battery. When you turn the key and nothing happens, it could be because there isn't enough power in the battery to start the engine.

Clicking Sounds When Trying to Start

If you hear a clicking sound when trying to start your ATV, it could be a sign of a dead battery or a poor connection. The clicking sound is often the starter solenoid attempting to engage but failing due to a lack of power.

Dim or Flickering Headlights

If your ATV's headlights are dim or flickering, it could be a sign that your battery is losing power. This is because the battery can no longer supply enough power to the electrical system.

Slow Cranking

If your engine cranks slowly or struggles to start, it could indicate your battery is weak or dead. This is because the battery can no longer supply enough power to turn the engine over at the required speed.

Electrical Issues

If your ATV's electronics aren't functioning correctly, it could indicate a dead battery or other electrical issues. For example, if your ATV's radio or GPS doesn't turn on, it could be due to a lack of power from the battery.

Precautions Before Reviving the Dead ATV Battery

Before attempting to revive a dead ATV battery, it's essential to take some precautions to ensure your safety and avoid damaging the battery or your ATV. Here are seven precautions to take before reviving your dead ATV battery:

Wear Protective Gear

Battery acid can cause burns or other injuries, so wearing protective gear like gloves and goggles is essential to avoid contact with the acid.

Work in a well-ventilated Area

Also, batteries can produce toxic fumes, so working in a well-ventilated area is vital to avoid inhaling these fumes.

Disconnect the Battery

Before starting work, disconnect the battery cables to prevent electrical accidents or damage to your ATV's electrical system.

Clean the Battery

Gradually, battery terminals can become corroded, which can cause electrical problems. Always use a wire brush and baking soda solution to clean the terminals and surrounding area to remove corrosion and ensure a good connection.

Check the Electrolyte Levels

The electrolyte levels in a battery can affect its performance. If necessary, you should always check the levels and top them up with distilled water.

However, be careful not to overfill the battery, which can cause damage.

Use a Voltmeter

You should always use a voltmeter to check the battery voltage before and after charging to ensure the battery is charging correctly. This can help you avoid overcharging or undercharging the battery, which can damage it.

Follow the Manufacturer's Instructions

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when using a battery charger or jump-starting your ATV. This will help you avoid damaging the battery or your ATV and ensure you work safely and effectively.

Steps to Revive a Dead ATV Battery

Reviving a dead ATV battery can seem daunting, but it's straightforward. Here are the measures to revive a dead ATV battery in a conversational and easy-to-understand manner:

First, you'll need to remove the battery from your ATV. You can usually find the battery under the seat or in a compartment near the engine.

Once you've removed the battery, clean the battery terminals with a wire brush or sandpaper. The terminals are the metal parts that connect to the wires on your ATV. Make sure you remove any corrosion or dirt.

Check the water level in the battery. If it's low, add some distilled water until it reaches the proper level.

If the battery is completely dead, try jumpstarting it with another battery. You can use another ATV or a car battery, but connect the positive and negative terminals correctly.

Another option is to de-sulfate the battery with the help of Epsom salt. This method involves mixing Epsom salt with distilled water and adding it to the battery cells.

You can also try charging the battery with a battery charger. Ensure you follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and don't overcharge the battery.

Once you've revived the battery, install it back into your ATV. Make sure you connect the positive and negative terminals correctly.

Step Importance
Check the water level in the battery Necessary to maintain proper electrolyte levels
Jumpstart the battery with another battery Optional, but it can provide a quick boost to the battery
Desulfate the battery with the help of Epsom salt Optional, but it can help remove sulfate buildup
Charge the battery with a battery charger Necessary to fully charge the battery
Reinstall the battery back into your ATV Necessary to reconnect the battery and restore power to the ATV

Testing the Revived ATV Battery

Testing a revived ATV battery is an important step to ensure it's working properly and is ready for use. Here's how to test a revived ATV battery in a friendly and easy-to-understand way:

Turn on your ATV

First, turn on your ATV, and let it idle for a few minutes to let the battery recharge and check if the electrical system is functioning correctly.

Check the Headlights

Next, turn on the headlights and check if they are bright and steady. Dim or flickering headlights could indicate a weak or malfunctioning battery.

Check the Horn and Other Electrical Components

You should check that the horn, turn signals, and other electrical components are working correctly.

Use a Voltmeter

As mentioned, you should use a voltmeter to measure the voltage. If it’s fully charged, it should have around 12 volts.

Take your ATV for a Test Ride

Finally, take your ATV for a short test ride to ensure everything is working correctly. Pay attention to any signs of a weak battery or other electrical issues, and address them promptly.

Tips for Maintaining the ATV Battery Health

Maintaining the health of your ATV battery is essential to prevent unexpected dead battery situations and ensure that your battery lasts as long as possible. Here are some more detailed explanations of the tips for maintaining your ATV battery health:

Keep the Battery Charged

Regularly charging your ATV battery is crucial to keep it at a healthy level. If you won't use your ATV for an extended period, use a battery maintainer to keep the battery charged.

Check Fluid Levels

Usually, the fluid levels in your battery can affect its performance. Check the fluid levels monthly and top up with distilled water if necessary.

However, you should be careful not to overfill the battery, which can cause damage.

Clean the Battery

Gradually, dirt and grime can accumulate on the battery, which can cause corrosion and damage. Use a wire brush and baking soda solution to clean the battery terminals and the surrounding area. This will ensure a good connection and prevent electrical problems.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Extreme hot or cold temperatures can cause damage to the battery. So, always store your ATV in a climate-controlled area to avoid these issues. If you need to keep your ATV outdoors, invest in a battery cover to protect it from the elements.

Disconnect the Battery

If you won't use your ATV for an extended period, disconnect the battery cables to avoid draining the battery unnecessarily. This will also prevent electrical accidents or damage to your ATV's electrical system.

Check the Charging System

Regularly checking the charging system of your ATV is essential to ensure it's functioning correctly. A faulty charging system can damage your battery and cause other issues. If you notice any problems with the charging system, have it checked by a professional mechanic.

Invest in a Quality Battery

Investing in a high-quality battery is crucial to enhance your ATV battery's longevity. Do your research and choose a reputable brand for the best results.

A high-quality battery will not only last longer, but it will also save you money in the long run.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify the cause of the dead battery to prevent future occurrences.
  • Take necessary precautions when reviving a dead ATV battery.
  • Regularly maintain the ATV battery to avoid dead battery situations.
  • Always test a revived ATV battery to ensure proper functioning.




41 years old. I'm a freelance writer that specializes in informational blog posts. All my articles are detail oriented and well researched. I'm a huge Arizona Cardinals fan!

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