DIY Homemade ATV Jumps | Hunt or Shred

If you have ever seen anybody performing cool tricks on an ATV, you likely have wondered if it’s possible to build a DIY homemade ATV jump yourself.

We recommend building a tabletop dirt jump or using tree stumps as an alternative. Both methods require stacking them in a square shape and covering them with mud. The ideal height for this jump is 2-4 feet, with at least 10 feet of landing clearance.

Are you an adrenaline junkie looking for a new outdoor thrill? Then DIY homemade ATV jumps may be just what you need. In this blog, we'll explore all the steps involved in creating your very own ATV jump so that you can get daredevil-level thrills from the comfort of your backyard.

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Best DIY Homemade ATV Jumps

If you’re an ATV enthusiast, you may want to take your riding up a notch. From mud runs and rocky terrain to jumps, ATV riding can be an exhilarating experience.

If you’re looking for a fun way to spice up your ride but don't have access to professionally-built jumps, creating DIY homemade ATV jumps is the perfect solution. We can get creative and build our right at home. Here’s how to do it.

Build A Tabletop Dirt Jump

Start by choosing a suitable location for your tabletop dirt jump. The area should be flat and level, with enough space for the jump, takeoff, and landing.

Use a measuring tape to mark the dimensions of the tabletop jump, including the width, height, and length. For a standard tabletop jump, the width should be around 4 feet, and the height should be about 2 to 3 feet. Ideally, you want 10 feet of landing clearance.

Use a shovel or an excavator to dig out the soil within the marked area. Make sure to remove any debris, rocks, or roots that could affect the stability of the jump.

Next, use a rake to shape the jump, creating a smooth transition from the takeoff to the tabletop. Use a tamper or compactor to compact the soil and stabilize the jump.

Use two-by-fours or plywood sheets to build the frame of the tabletop jump. Cut the pieces to the desired length and angle, then screw or nail them together to form the frame. Ensure the frame is sturdy and can support the weight of the rider and the ATV.

Cover the frame with plywood sheets or two-by-fours to form the tabletop. Confirm that the covering is flush with the frame and does not protrude, which can cause accidents.

Lastly, test the jump by riding your ATV over it slowly. Adjust the jump as needed to ensure a smooth takeoff and landing.

Use Tree Stumps

Choose a flat area of ground for your jump. If needed, use a shovel or rake to level out any bumps or dips in the soil. Remove any rocks, sticks, or roots that might interfere with the jumps.

Gather two large tree stumps from nearby woods (or order them online). Cut off as much excess bark from each stump as possible; this will help prevent splinters when riding on them later.

Use sandpaper at least once if you plan on painting them before using them in your track. Drill holes into the center of both stumps, so they are easier to move around later.

Position one stump horizontally across the other vertically in front of where you want your jump ramp start point to be located. They should be close enough to one another so we can adequately cover each with mud next.

We should form a square shape with the tree stumps. We need it to be tall enough and wide enough for an ATV. After this is done, pile on mud until we are about 4-6 feet high.

Test the jump riding slowly. Take measurements to ensure it is wide enough to hit it with any speed using your ATV.

Where Should You Build A Homemade ATV Jump?

Building the jump in a backyard would be the easiest in an ideal world. But this is only an option for some. Choose a safe, suitable, and legal location.

Private Property

Ideally, you should build your ATV jump on private property with the owner's permission. This way, you can avoid potential legal issues and have more control over the jump's location, design, and maintenance.

Plenty Of Open Space

The location should have enough open space to allow for maneuvering, landing, and takeoff. Ensure no trees, rocks, or other obstacles could interfere with your riding or cause accidents.

Flat Surface

The ground should be flat and level to ensure the jump is stable and safe. Avoid areas with steep slopes, ditches, or uneven terrain, as they can affect the angle and trajectory of the jump.

Ideal Soil Type

The type of soil can also affect the quality of the jump. Ideally, the soil should be firm, compact, and free of rocks, roots, or other debris that could cause instability or damage to the ATV.

Make sure the location is easily accessible, so you don't have to travel long distances to get there. This will also make transporting your tools, materials, and equipment easier to the site.


Finally, confirm that building an ATV jump is legal in your area. Check with your local authorities, landowners, and neighbors to ensure you're not violating regulations or causing disturbances.

What Do You Need To Build A DIY Homemade ATV Jump?

Before doing any building, it’s time to gather all the tools. Here is a short list of some items you need to build a DIY homemade ATV jump.

  • Measuring tape
  • Shovel or excavator
  • Rake
  • Tamper or compactor
  • Two-by-fours or plywood sheets
  • Screws or nails
  • Saw
  • Drill

This is only a list of the essentials. Other materials will differ depending on the method you use.

How To Build An ATV Jump

Creating your own jump can be a great way to impress fellow riders in your area and learn new tricks. While it may sound intimidating at first, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Follow these steps for building DIY homemade ATV jumps that will make any rider squeal with excitement:

1. Map Out Your Design

Before starting the build itself, map out the design of the jump on paper first so that everything is planned out before doing any work on site. This will help ensure all angles are lined up correctly and make constructing faster and easier overall.

Be sure to measure angles accurately. The objective is to clearly understand where the jump will be, how high it will sit, and all required dimensions to ensure this is a smooth and successful process.

2. Gather Materials & Tools

Now that you know exactly what kind of jump you want, gather all the necessary materials and tools.

Depending on the type of jump you plan to build, you will need to decide which tools are best suited for your project.

3. Build The Foundation

The spot you choose for your jump should have enough room to build the foundation and land safely afterward. Ensure there are no obstacles in your path that could cause an accident if you mess up while jumping.

Avoid spots near power lines or trees since they could catch on your ATV during take-off or landing and cause a crash. Be sure to keep them level so when finished. Both sides will be even with each other.

The foundation should be wide enough and sturdy enough for when we cover it with mud. This can be tree stumps, tabletops, or anything that provides similar support.

4. Use Mud To Cover The Foundation

Mud is a great material for filling in those trenches since shoveling, molding, and working around is easy. It will create the perfect jump that provides plenty of support for a heavy ATV.

5. Smooth, Flatten, & Shape The Jump

Next, smooth the sides, flatten the top, and shape the jump. Do this while the mud is still wet and easy to move around.

6. Create The Lip

Before the mud dries out, create the lip. This is where we take off at the slope of the ramp. It should allow us to get more height as we accelerate over the jump for a safer landing.

7. Allow The Jump To Set

Lastly, allow the mud to dry and set. Once it sets, we can start using it without ATV. Using a ramp before the mud is set could be dangerous.

Is It Legal To Build A Homemade ATV Jump?

One of the biggest risks of ATV riding is jumping off jumps and other obstacles, often leading to serious injury or death. As such, many people have asked whether it is legal to build homemade ATV jumps.

The answer depends on where you live and any local regulations that may apply, as laws regarding ATV use vary widely between states and countries. Generally speaking, building an occasional jump in your backyard should not pose any major legal risks as long as you follow certain safety guidelines.

But if you want to ride professionally or make regular jumps at competitions or events, you must first obtain the appropriate permissions.

Check any relevant state laws regarding ATVs' construction and/or operation and ensure that all applicable permits have been obtained beforehand.

How To Drive An ATV Over A Homemade Jump?

Driving an ATV over a homemade jump can be an exciting and fun experience. However, it is important to take necessary safety precautions to prevent injury.

 Here are some steps to safely drive an ATV over a homemade jump.

Inspect The Jump

Before attempting to drive an ATV over the jump, inspect it thoroughly to ensure it is sturdy and safe to use. Check for loose or broken parts that could cause damage or harm.

Start Slow

When driving over a homemade jump for the first time, start slow and gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable.

Approach & Maintain Balance

Approach the jump at a moderate speed, keeping your body weight centered and your hands on the handlebars. This is important, especially when we start to get more speed on our jump.

As you reach the top of the jump, keep your body balanced and your eyes focused on the landing area. Avoid leaning forward or backward, as this can cause you to lose control of the ATV.

Practice Landing

As you land, keep your body balanced and your hands on the handlebars. Avoid making any sudden movements or jerking the handlebars.

Practice driving over the homemade jump multiple times until you feel comfortable and confident with your skills.

Key Takeaways

  • The best DIY homemade ATV jumps can be made with a tabletop or tree stumps. This is the foundation, so we can cover it with mud for a sturdy jump.
  • Planning is essential when it comes to making ATV jumps - you’ll want to consider the size and type of jump, as well as the terrain and materials available before starting.
  • Safety should be your number one priority when building homemade ATV jumps - make sure your design has enough padding to cushion any potential falls.

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41 years old. I'm a freelance writer that specializes in informational blog posts. All my articles are detail oriented and well researched. I'm a huge Arizona Cardinals fan!

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