DIY Guide UTV Window Nets | Hunt or Shred

Window nets can be a great option if you want to add an extra layer of safety to your UTV. But what are the steps to make a DIY UTV window net?

Gather all the necessary tools and materials to make a DIY UTV window net. Then you can measure the window dimensions and cut the netting material based on those dimensions. After that, add eyelets to the netting and attach the net to the UTV. Make sure it provides full coverage. 

Window nets help prevent debris and other objects from entering the cab of your UTV, reducing the risk of injury while driving. While many pre-made window nets are available, building your own can be cost-effective and customizable. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through creating your DIY UTV window nets.

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DIY UTV Window Nets: Step-By-Step Guide

UTVs are a great way to explore the outdoors and off-road terrain. However, safety is always a top priority when it comes to UTVs. One important safety feature is window nets.

They can prevent debris and other objects from flying into the cab of the UTV. While many window nets are available for purchase, you can also create your own DIY UTV window nets.

Materials Needed:

  • Netting material
  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors
  • Zip ties
  • Eyelets
  • Eyelet punch
  • Bungee cords

Step 1: Measure the window dimensions

The first step is to measure the dimensions of the window you want to cover. Use a measuring tape to get the length and width of the window.

Measure and mark the spots where you want to attach the net to your UTV. These should be in areas where the net will not obstruct your view while driving.

This will make things much more manageable. The goal is to leave no uncovered space. Otherwise, the net will fail to do its job and protect the passengers in the UTV.

Step 2: Cut the netting material

Using the measurements from Step 1, cut the netting material to the appropriate size. Make sure to leave a little extra material on each side for securing the netting to the UTV.

Consider using a mesh netting material for more coverage. I’ve noticed much better durability from mesh nets. This acts like a breathable shelf to keep sharp objects and debris out of the UTV while riding.

Fold the edges of the webbing over twice and pin or clip them in place. This will create a clean edge and prevent fraying. We prefer to use a nylon material for better results.

Step 3: Add eyelets to the netting

Using an eyelet punch, add eyelets to the edges of the netting. These eyelets will be used to secure the net to the UTV. It’s also essential when attaching the netting to the UTV.

Step 4: Attach the netting to the UTV

Using zip ties, attach the netting to the UTV. Make sure the netting is secure and tight against the window. Finally, we can attach the net to the exterior of the UTV.

Check the corners and ensure it’s as tight as possible without stretching the net too much. We want full window coverage for better protection.

Step 5: Secure the netting with bungee cords

To ensure the netting stays in place while driving, use bungee cords to secure the netting to the UTV. This will not provide the same long-term support as a traditional, professionally made window net, but it can be quite durable.

And that's it! You can create your own DIY UTV window nets with a few materials and simple steps. Remember, safety should always be a top priority when it comes to UTVs, so ensure your window nets are secure and in good condition before hitting the trails.

Types Of UTV Window Netting Materials

When it comes to choosing netting material for your UTV window nets, there are several options to consider. This includes nylon, polyester, and polypropylene.

Nylon netting is a popular choice due to its strength and durability. It is also resistant to UV rays and moisture, which makes it ideal for outdoor use. However, nylon netting can be more expensive than other options.

Polyester netting is another strong and durable option. It is also resistant to UV rays and moisture and is typically less expensive than nylon netting. However, polyester netting is not as strong as nylon netting and may not hold up well over time.

Polypropylene netting is a lightweight and affordable option. It is also resistant to UV rays and moisture and is easy to work with. However, polypropylene netting is not as strong as nylon or polyester netting and may not be the best choice for heavy-duty use.

If you plan to use your UTV in rugged terrain or for heavy-duty tasks, nylon netting may be the best choice. If you're looking for a more affordable option, polyester or polypropylene netting may be a better fit.

Pros & Cons of DIY UTV Window Nets

Here are some pros and cons of DIY UTV window nets.


  • Cost-effective: DIY UTV window nets can be significantly less expensive than purchasing pre-made nets.
  • Customizable: With DIY UTV window nets, you can customize the size and shape to fit your specific UTV and needs.
  • Satisfaction: Building your own window nets can be a satisfying DIY project that allows you to take ownership of your UTV's safety features.


  • Safety concerns: DIY UTV window nets may not be as safe or effective as professionally-made nets. Improper installation or materials could compromise the net's strength and safety.
  • Time-consuming: Building your window nets can be time-consuming, especially if you're not experienced with DIY projects.
  • Legal considerations: Depending on where you live, there may be specific laws or regulations regarding using window nets on UTVs. Make sure to research the laws in your area before installing DIY UTV window nets.

Safety Considerations for DIY UTV Window Nets

Despite the cost savings, it’s not all perfect. There are some key safety considerations you should be aware of when making and installing DIY UTV window nets.

Proper Installation

Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when installing your window nets. Improper installation can lead to the nets coming loose or failing in the event of an accident.

This is the number one priority. The last thing you want is for the net to come loose or break while trail riding with your UTV.

Regular Inspection

It's important to regularly inspect your window nets for signs of wear and tear. Look for holes, tears, or frayed edges that could compromise the net's strength.

If you notice any damage to your window nets, it's important to replace them as soon as possible. Driving with damaged window nets can be dangerous and increase the risk of injury in the event of an accident.


Make sure your window nets don't obstruct your view while driving. If the nets are blocking your line of sight, they could increase the risk of an accident.

The window nets should be compatible with your UTV too. Using window nets not designed for your specific UTV could compromise their effectiveness and safety.

DIY UTV Window Nets Vs. Factory-Made UTV Window Nets

Some people may prefer to make their own nets at home to save money. But both options do have their own pros and cons. Here's a comparison of DIY UTV window nets vs. factory-made ones.

Factory-made UTV window nets are designed and tested to meet safety standards, providing peace of mind while driving. They are typically made with high-quality materials and construction, ensuring their durability and effectiveness.

Factory-made window nets are typically easier to install and require less time and effort than DIY options. This is a faster and easier installation process for those with less experience doing this type of work.

However, factory-made UTV window nets can be more expensive than DIY options. They also cannot be customized to fit your specific UTV and needs. Ultimately, choosing DIY UTV window nets or factory-made ones will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

If safety is a top priority, it may be worth investing in professionally-made window nets. However, if you're comfortable with DIY projects and want to save money, building your own window nets could be a good option.

How Long Does a UTV Window Net Last?

The lifespan of a UTV window net can vary depending on a number of factors, including the quality of the netting material, how often it is used, and how well it is maintained. Most UTV window nets are designed to last for 2-3  with proper care and maintenance.

The netting material used in UTV window nets can start to lose its strength over time from exposure to UV rays and other environmental factors. It's important to regularly inspect your window nets for signs of wear and tear and to replace them as needed.

Proper maintenance can also help extend the lifespan of your UTV window nets. Make sure to clean your nets regularly to remove any dirt or debris that could compromise their strength. Store them in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent damage from moisture or UV rays.

Key Takeaways

  • UTV window nets can be made with nylon, polyester, and polypropylene netting materials.
  • UTV window nets will last for 2-3 years on average.
  • You can save money by making a DIY window net, but it won’t be as strong as a factory-made one.




29 years old. I'm from Texas. I've been riding ATV's for the last couple years here in TX. I'm learning a lot about this hobby right along side you.

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